E-Waste Fundraisers
Schools are woefully underfunded. It’s something we all know. Many rely on fundraisers to help create money for special projects. What if you could come up with an easy fundraiser that would help the environment at the same time, though? With Alianza Recycling and Recovery, it is possible!
Isn’t Electronics Recycling Just for Businesses?
Often you hear of businesses recycling their old computers and tablets, but it’s not just businesses and corporations that need to get rid of their outdated technology. Oftentimes, within a community, there can be hundreds of pounds of electronic devices that are just cluttering up homes with no safe way to remove them. Families in your school need easy access to electronics recycling, too, and holding a school fundraiser with a great group of people like Alianza Recycling and Recovery is the perfect way to do it.
Raise Awareness and Funds at the Same Time!
Holding an electronic recycling fundraiser is a great way to raise awareness for your environment. Every year, thousands of tons of electronics find their way into landfills, where they don’t decay. Instead, they just clog up the landfills and cause trouble for the local environments.
Many electronics include dangerous materials like cadmium, arsenic, and lead, which can leak into water supplies and taint the soil around them. If local wildlife or even the local plant life drink this polluted water, they can get sick, contaminate others, and die. That creates a huge loss in biodiversity that can go as far as killing an entire forest of creatures.
By holding a fundraiser that allows you to recycle your electronics, you can help others understand the power of electronics recycling and raise money at the same time.
Creating An Electronic Recycling Fundraiser
Creating an electronic recycling fundraiser is a great way to give back to your community! By working with Alianza Recycling and Recovery, you can hold a drive where your friends, neighbors, and classmates can all come together to ensure that their old electronics don’t make it into a landfill. Instead, by pooling them all together, we can help you determine what to do with every object! Some old computers, phones, or televisions can be refurbished and sold again, and others can be stripped for parts and reused that way. Still, others can just be broken down and their pieces can be disposed of in a safe and sustainable way.
Working with Alianza Recycling and Recovery
It’s easy to create a school electronics recycling fundraiser when you’re working with Alianza Recycling and Recovery. We have a full team of well-trained staff that are always ready to help you build this community activity, and we’re excited to help you figure out the hows and whys of your next recycling event. It’s not just your local businesses that need to get rid of old electronics, after all - it’s the whole community, and with Alianza Recycling and Recovery, we can help you do exactly that.